Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Next New Thing

Dont ask me how I thought of this, and while its pretty stupid, I think its kind of interesting also.  Imagine a tracking device on your shoes that send a video or picture straight to your computer, iPad or whatever.  This could be really weird, yet good for parents.  They can keep track of their kids so they dont lie when telling their parents where they are going. ( My kids arent going to read this). It could also be good for when youre waiting for your friends to walk to your house, and they tell you theyre up the block, yet theyre 15 minutes away.  No more believing that.  If its truly implemented in every set of shoes or sneakers, which understandably so is unlikely, it can also help to track down criminals.  TVs and such would be set up in police headquarters.  It seems far-fetched and impractical, but you never know. Its all I could think of.


  1. I like this, if this won't have any privacy issues, i totally think this is awesome. However, if this technology go public, I am sure there will be some newer technology can do the anti tracking. No matter how it will be, i guess this is the beauty of technology, people always have the desire to think and create the new things

  2. This idea sounds great and I have actually seen someone use it. The idea of tracking wasn't integrated in the show but in an iPhone. Recently my neighbor got their son, who goes to High School and have a tracker installed in it and keep track of their sons whereabouts through the phone. This idea easily allows one to invade ones personal space. Putting this concept to application will help the government when it comes to crimes, but there will be a lot of opposition.

  3. I think this is a wonderful idea, but only if I think as a parent. I would hate to have my parents know my whereabouts 24/7. I don't even think it would be too hard to implement. With the design of micro chips and micro cameras, it is easy to look integrate these types of things into shoes, clothing, etc.

  4. I dont believe that any idea is stupid, nor far-fetched. Technically most of the things that we have presently came from ideas just like that one. I honestly believe that its a good idea, but maybe not for that reason. the whole tracking thing wouls be useful for something like a standalone gps unit for a person to never get lost

  5. This is a cool idea. I would not mind getting something like this for my child up to 10 or 11 years old (older than that I want to be able to trust them). I'm sure parents who have lost children due to kidnapping would have loved something like this before they lost their child.
