Wednesday, November 2, 2011

About My Term Research Paper

i decided to write about social media in the sports world because i am a huge sports fan.  i discussed the positive effects of social media, such as effectively communicating with a high school recruiter trying to get him/her to enroll in the college you work at, or just simply following your favorite athlete to see what they are up to.  sometimes, athletes will tweet while they are at work, such as on a golf course, which is pretty cool for a fan to understand what it may really be like to play professional golf.  there are obviously some negative effects of using social media.  some coaches and players get themselves in trouble by posting controversial tweets.  these tend to result in fines or suspensions.  i also spoke about how leagues such as the NBA set regulations for when players can use their phones for Twitter and such.  there definitely needs to be some of these regulations to limit the amount of trouble players cam get into.  they are usually outspoken which is a good thing, but taking it too far can shed a bad light on them. i learned that some recruiters shy away from certain universities after seeing some controversial material on future teammates facebook pages.  it was pretty interesting and all in all, i enjoyed writing this.

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